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Fellow Program in Management (FPM)

Fellow Program in Management (FPM)

Level: FPM/Ph.D

Intake : 20 Seats

Assessment Pattern: Semester + Annual

Location: Universe Campus, Tathawade, Pune – 411033

The Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) at Indira School of Business Studies PGDM, provides a robust academic and research framework spanning various management domains, tailored for scholars, students, and professionals alike, all fuelled by a shared commitment to influence business management. The objective is to cultivate scholarly expertise infused with critical analysis, problem-solving skills, and the capacity to provide managerial insights to meet both industry and societal demands.

We offer a full-time fellow Programme in Management (FPM), which centers around quality research. The student of the FPM programme must complete the defined course work and successfully defend the submitted thesis obliging to the guidelines of the programme.

The Programme is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).


The objective of FPM is to foster and embark on the research environment for aspiring professionals through effective mentoring and guidance. The goal is to develop students with advance research capabilities and driving them to be able to contribute to the research field. The FPM is designed for professionals seeking to get a comprehensive doctoral-level program in diverse specialization and season them to effectively use the learned competencies in corporate and academic fields.

  • To develop a deep understanding of the foundation and advancement of management and research techniques
  • Advocate deep consciousness in supporting and guiding quality in research with its thoughtful implications and contribution.
  • Committed to grooming and empowering students with management and research competencies and skills.
  • Establish an environment and commitment to conduct and facilitate ethical research practices.
  • Enable leveraging the learning environment by providing industry-academia connections, research learning databases, and softwares facilitating research.
  1. General Management: Emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of the business environment and effective organizational management practices. It encompasses a broad range of topics that are essential for managing organizations efficiently and successfully.
  2. Marketing Management: Centres on the formulation and execution of marketing strategies, gaining insights into consumer behaviour, and cultivating powerful brands. It encompasses a wide array of subjects related to marketing, advertising, digital marketing, brand management, and more.
  3. Human Resource Management and Organisational BehaviourPlaces emphasis on cultivating expertise in talent management, employee engagement, and understanding organizational behaviour. It encompasses a comprehensive range of topics, including talent acquisition, employee relations, industrial relations, and other relevant areas.
  4. Operations Management: Centres on the field of operations management, with a primary focus on optimizing business processes, enhancing supply chain efficiency, and overseeing quality management. It covers a wide range of topics, including operations management, logistics, supply chain management, and other related areas.
  5. Financial Management: A doctoral degree in Financial Management emphasizes the study of financial analysis, investment management, and corporate finance, encompassing areas such as investment banking, financial planning, and corporate finance. It covers comprehensive range of topics that are essential for understanding and excelling in financial management, enabling individuals to gain expertise in analysing financial data, making strategic investment decisions, and effectively managing financial resources.

A. Course Structure

Course Duration – 03 – 05 years

Total number of seats – 20

B. Credit Requirements

In partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Fellow Programme, a minimum number of Course credits are required to be earned as prescribed below.

Particular Code No. Course Title Credits Marks
Module 1 FP01 Research Methodology 3 150
FP02 Managerial Statistics 3 150
FP03 General Management 3 150
FP04 System Approach to Management 3 150
Module 2 FP05 3 Stream specific Courses of 3 credits each 9 450
FP06 Credit Seminar (General) 3 150
Module 3 FP07 Credit Seminar (Specific) 3 150
FP08 Review paper based on the literature on the Thesis related topic 3 150
Total Credit 30 1500

C. Stages of Course Completion

  • Stage 1: Research Scholar must go through Mandatory Course work to understand Management overview as well as Methodology to understand Research work. This is common to all the research scholars irrespective of the specialization that he/she had chosen.
  • Stage 2: This is a self-paced learning stage where research scholars must qualify 3 MOOCs from platforms such as Swayam on the topics connected with their research topic. The stream-specific Courses and Seminars shall be decided as approved by the Director on the recommendation of the candidate’s Guide(s) and the Research Advisory Committee. Based on their studies they must give presentations and write research papers to receive qualifying credits.
  • Stage 3: This stage covers the topic specific comprehensive research work. It covers collection of data, analysis of data, periodical six-monthly presentations and thesis report writing.

D. Duration for earning Credit.

All the credits specified above shall be earned within a maximum of three years from the date of admission to the Programme. Extension after the three years shall be approved by the Director for a period of one/two years with a review of progress every six months. Final approval shall be given by the Director of the Institution.

E. Registration Seminar and Progress Seminar

After Course work each research scholar needs to register his/ her research proposal. The registration procedure is given below.

  • Pre-registration Seminar: Each research scholar shall give a Research proposal registration Seminar before a Committee constituted by the Director. The Committee shall include the Guide(s), experts drawn from Institution’s Faculty members and Director. The Seminar shall be given after completion of the three modules. The Research Scholar shall submit 5 copies of the pre-registration Report (in about 15-20 pages) 15 days before the date of the Seminar. The Report shall include the proposed title of the Thesis, are and framework of the proposed research objectives, scope of the study, hypothesis if any, and methodology to be followed. This stage is very important for screening the candidate for further progress in the Programme. In case the research scholar fails to defend his/her proposal successfully, he/she shall be allowed to resubmit the modified research proposal as suggested by the above-mentioned Committee. He/ she needs to give a fresh Seminar based on the modified research proposal and in case he or she fails to defend it in the second time, the research scholar shall be terminated from the Programme.
  • Six Monthly Progress seminar: Every six months from the date of admission the research scholar must present his work done towards the chosen topic for research before a committee constituted by the Director. The Committee shall include the Guide(s), experts drawn from Institution’s Faculty members and Director.

F. Submission and Evaluation of the Synopsis and Thesis

1. Pre-Synopsis Seminar

Every research scholar before submission of his / her thesis must give pre-synopsis seminar at the Institution. The procedure for the pre-synopsis seminar is as follows

  • Submission of 5 copies of the pre-Synopsis Report (not more than 40 pages). The Report shall include the focus and the summary of the Thesis. Highlighting his/ her own contribution, details of the methodology, results, analysis, conclusions, limitations, and scope for future research. It is to be submitted through the Guide(s).
  • For seeking the approval, the candidate shall present pre-Synopsis Seminar before the Committee consisting of Director, Guide(s) and two Faculty experts in the relevant area of research. An outside expert, having expertise in research shall be included in the Committee.
  • The Committee shall judge the work about its acceptability and suggest modification or elaboration of the work, if necessary, after incorporating the suggested changes / modifications to the satisfaction of the Committee, an abridged version of the same in about 15-70 pages shall be submitted as Synopsis for the purpose of sending it to prospective examiners.
  • Submission of the Synopsis Five copies of the Synopsis with necessary modification incorporated shall be submitted within a period of one month from the date of the pre-Synopsis Seminar to the Institution with a Certificate by candidate and the Guide(s) stating:
    • That there is a prima facie case for consideration of the Thesis.
    • That the work does not include any work which has at any time previously been submitted for an award of Fellow in Management or other equivalent Degree.
  • Selection of Examiners
  • On receipt of Synopsis, the Director shall draw up a list of 6 possible examiners of the Thesis in consultation with the Research Advisory Committee and Guide(s). The examiners shall be from outside Institution, one from India and one from abroad, having good academic and research standing in the field. Two examiners shall be selected by the Director from the list.

2. Submission of Thesis

The Thesis shall be submitted in six type written/ printed copies and a soft copy with necessary Certificates and clearance within a period of 6 months from the date of submission of the Synopsis

  • Recommendations of the Examiners
  • A critical review and evaluation of the quality and extent of the work of the candidate as embodied in the Thesis.
  • A definite recommendation as to whether the Thesis is of a sufficient standard and suitable for the award of Fellow in Management
  • If the examiner is not able to make definite recommendation for the award of the “Fellow in Management”, He/ She shall indicate the required modification/ revision involving rewriting of Chapters but not involving further research work OR Complete rewriting of the Thesis with an additional research work reinterpretation of Data.

3. Acceptance/Rejection of Thesis

The Thesis shall be accepted if all the examiners make positive recommendations. If recommendations for rejection or inconclusive recommendations are made by anyone of the examiner, Director shall refer the Thesis to another examiner or examiners(s) from the panel. If such a panel of examiner(s) rejects the Thesis, it shall stand rejected.

4. Re-submission of the Thesis

A Thesis which needs modification/ revision shall be resubmitted after revision within a period of one year. Rejection of the Thesis after re-submission shall normally disqualify the candidate of further consideration for the award of the Fellow in Management.

5. Viva-Voce

On acceptance of the Thesis, the Director shall appoint a panel of examiners to conduct a viva- voce examination and open defence at which the candidate shall be required to defend his/ her Thesis. The panel of examiners shall consist of:

  • The Chairman, Dean (Academic or Research) or his/ her nominee not below the rank of Professor of the Institution nominated by the Director
  • The Guide(s)
  • Indian External Examiner who examined the Thesis and accepted it

The panel of Examiners shall submit their Report to the Director of the Institution. If a Thesis has been accepted, but the candidate fails to defend it successfully at the Vice-voce examination, he/ she shall reappear for the viva-voce examination within six months.

6. Award of Fellow in Management

On successful completion of the viva-voce and on the recommendations of the Institution’s Governing Board, the Institution shall award “Fellow in Management” to the Research scholar. The title of the Thesis shall be mentioned in the Certificate of award.

7. General Regulations

  • If a candidate fails to submit the Thesis within the prescribed upper time limit due to reasons beyond his/her control, he/she shall apply to the Director for an extension. If the Institution is satisfied with the candidate’s justification, the Director shall permit him/her to re-register to the Programme subject to the payment of re-registration Fee. This re-registration shall, however, be effective only for a period of two years beyond which no extension shall be permitted.
  • Candidate must furnish a periodical Report of progress of the Course work and research work for consideration of Institution, Research Advisory Committee, and the Guide(s). Unsatisfactory progress in research shall render the candidate terminated from the Programme.
  • The candidate shall pay all the prescribed Fee as and when they fall due
  • The Courses prescribed, but not successfully completed by the candidate shall be reconsidered by the Director. Research Advisory Committee shall suggest alternative Course(s) depending upon the relevance of the Course(s) to the research work of candidate
  • The research scholar shall face automatic disqualification and termination from the Programme, if he/ she is found to be admitted to any other equivalent Degree Level Programme
  • The Committee reserves the right to amend, modify or change Regulations as may be necessary, from time to time. All such changes shall be binding on the research scholar in the Institution
  • A research scholar, who is pursuing coursework as a part of his PhD Programme, is expected to have full (100%) attendance in each course. However, a maximum of 30% attendance deficiency may be condoned by the Director for genuine reasons.

a. Application Procedure

The application shall be made in the prescribed form available with the Institution. Attested copies of all the necessary Certificates and testimonials are to be attached with the applications. The candidate must submit an abstract of about 5000 words on the area of research interest (tentative research proposal) along with his/ her application

b. Selection Criteria

Selection for the Fellow Programme in the Institutions approved by AICTE for the Fellow Programme shall be based on the following criteria:

  • Academic qualifications and work experience
  • Tentative research proposal and its presentation before the Selection Committee
  • Personal interview

The decision of the Institution Selection Committee regarding admission shall be final. Communication shall be sent only to the selected candidates. The Institution shall not entertain any queries or correspondence in respect of those not selected.

  • Each candidate shall have one/ two Guide(s) under whose supervision the research work in relation to the Programme shall be carried out
  • The Guide(s) shall be nominated by the Director of the Institution. Research Guides shall be allotted to the selected candidates after completion of the necessary course work and related formalities
  • The research Programme and areas of research shall be finalized by respective Guides after discussion with the candidates and should be approved by the Director

(Physical Application Form/Online Application Form)


020-66759496 (Sohel, Admission Officer)

020-66759404 (Enquiry Desk)



Application Fee – Rs.1,500

Registration Fee – Rs. 2,500

Course Fee – Rs. 75,000 per year (1 to 5 years)

Examination Fee - Rs. 25000/- which includes an honorarium of US$250/- for foreign examiner and Rs. 5000/- Indian Examiner must be paid along with the Thesis submission.


  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in Engineering and Technology/ Management/ Economics/ Social Science/ Biological Science/ Pure Science/ Commerce/ Humanities with first class shall be considered for admission to Fellow Programme.
  • Those appearing for their final examination in the respective discipline can also apply. Such students, if selected, shall be provisionally admitted provided they complete all requirements in obtaining their master’s degree before 30th September of the year of admission. The admission of these candidates shall remain provisional until they produce the mark sheet proving that they satisfy the eligibility criteria.

The admission process for the PGDM institute at ISBS is strictly merit-based. Prior to applying, candidates must have a written test score from any of the following exams: AICTE-CMAT, CAT, XAT, MAT, ATMA, G-MAT, or MH-CET.

ISBS PGDM institute applicants will be shortlisted based on their preferences for the course/shift. The Indira Common Admission Process (ICAP) will play a crucial role in the selection process, incorporating various components with assigned weightages:

  • Common Entrance Test Scores (CAT/MAT/XAT/ATMA/CMAT/GMAT/MH-CET): 35%
  • Academic Performance: 15%
  • GD & PI (Group Discussion and Personal Interview): 45%
  • Sports and Extra-Curricular Activities Participation: 5%

Normalization of percentile scores from different entrance tests will be done using a multiplier.

Steps for Indira Common Admission Process (ICAP):

Stage 1: Registration for ICAP Candidates will fill up the ICAP online registration form for GD, PI and Counseling, available on

Stage 2: GD /PI and Counseling Process Candidates must attend the ICAP process of GD, PI, and Counseling in their preferred city.

Stage 3: Merit List for Admission The merit list for admission will be published on the Institute's website.

For detailed procedures, visit

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for PGDM courses at our esteemed PGDM institute in Pune, candidates must have passed the degree examination from an AICTE/UGC recognized university with a minimum of 50% marks for the open category and a minimum of 45% marks for the reserved category. Fifty per cent of seats are reserved for Maharashtra domicile-reserved category candidates at our PGDM institute. Applications from such candidates must include relevant caste certificates, caste validity, and non-creamy layer certificates.

Candidates lacking these certificates at the time of application will be considered for open/general category seats at our PGDM institute in Pune. If an insufficient number of applications for reserved seats are received, the remaining seats will be converted into open/general category seats. Twenty per cent of the sanctioned seats are institute-level seats.

Final year degree students, awaiting results, can participate in the admission process at our PGDM institute, provided they have a certificate from their college/university confirming their status as final year students. Additionally, candidates should have appeared in one of the specified entrance exams and possess a valid scorecard from our PGDM institute in Pune.

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) is a 2 - year full time program

Semesters: 4 semesters

Choice Based Credit System(CBCS)

Classroom Teaching

The program is a two - year full time program approved by AICTE and is run in four semesters. The courses are organized around four semesters and are classified as Core Courses (Compulsory for all), Specialization Core Courses (Compulsory for students opting for the specialization viz. HR, Finance or Marketing), and Elective Courses (Choice based Courses).

The semester-wise distribution of courses based on their nature is as under:

PGDM (2020-22) Program Structure




























































Each Student has to complete 100 Credits to qualify for certification in the following manner:

a) 19 core Courses amounting to 49 Credits are compulsory for all students regardless of specialization.

b) Student would opt for specialization in Semester-II and have to complete all the 13 core specialization courses amounting to 39 Credits.

c) The remaining 12 credits he/she has to complete by opting for the specified number of electives from the set of electives being offered.

Kindly find below the fee structure for the Indira School of Business Studies for batch 2024- 26.

No. Category 1st Year Fees- 2024-25/ Annual Fees PGDM General /PGDM E-Business Management/PGDM Marketing/ PGDM 2nd Year Fees-2025-26 / Annual Fees PGDM General /PGDM E-Business Management/PGDM Marketing/ PGDM
1 Tuition Fees INR 4,70,000 INR 3,60,000
2 Development Fees INR 30,000 INR 40,000
Total INR 5,00,000 INR-4,00,000

Fee Payment Schedule for PGDM Course:

1 st year

  • On admission Confirmation: 1, 00, 000 /-
  • 1st Installment: INR 1,50,000 on or before 31st Aug 2024
  • 2nd Installment: INR 1,50,000 on or before 30th Sept 2024
  • 3rd Installment: INR 1,00,000 on or before 31st Oct 2024

2 nd year -

  • INR 4,00,000 to be paid on or before 30th June 2025

Note: Cancellation of Admission and refund of Fees will be as per AICTE Policy


Enhancing employability has consistently been a primary focus at ISBS PGDM, a premier PGDM institute in Pune. Our commitment to fostering robust domain knowledge and cultivating industry-ready skills positions ISBS PGDM students as preferred candidates for leading organizations. With a thriving alumni community exceeding 5000 individuals, our graduates have successfully secured placements across diverse sectors and global locations.

The Career Leadership Development Program (CLDP), complemented by industry visits, strategic collaborations with professional bodies and associations such as MCCIA, PRME, and FICCI, and engaging in Industry-Academia initiatives like Brand Slam and Leadership Lecture Series, reflects our dedication to preparing students for the professional landscape at our PGDM institute in Pune. The integration of insights from industry professionals (OZONE), skill development initiatives, and structured sessions including Group Discussions and Personal Interviews further contribute to equipping students with the requisite domain knowledge and skills, offering them industry ready.

These proactive measures, alongside various other initiatives, have propelled the ISBS PGDM brand to be the preferred choice for recruitment by multinational corporations. It is this exceptional track record in employability that has positioned ISBS PGDM as the premier PGDM institute and business school in Pune, India.

Our Facilities

Situated strategically along the Pune-Mumbai Expressway, the Indira School of Business Studies PGDM campus is a sprawling facility spanning over 7000 sq. ft. Committed to fostering an environment of continuous improvement and innovation, ISBS PGDM provides state-of-the-art technical support and facilities aimed at enriching both student learning and faculty effectiveness.

Key highlights of our campus include modern classrooms, seminar halls, syndicate rooms, and tutorial centers, all equipped with seamless Wi-Fi connectivity to create a conducive and memorable teaching and learning experience for both faculty and students. Each classroom is equipped with projection televisions, overhead projectors, and whiteboards.

IT Infrastructure

ISBS PGDM, recognized as a leading PGDM institute in Pune, boasts innovative IT infrastructure, featuring the latest workstations and interactive smart classrooms with audiovisual units. The institute, known for its exceptional facilities as a PGDM institute in Pune, offers one-to-one and group video conferencing facilities. Wireless connectivity spans the entire campus, including the hostels of our PGDM institute. A dedicated 50 Mbps internet connection ensures 24x7 internet access, facilitating enhanced communication and collaboration between students, faculty, coordinators, and team members at our PGDM institute in Pune. Students benefit from personalized mailboxes on Microsoft Office365 and receive 25GB of free space on SkyDrive. The library, a key resource at our PGDM institute, provides digital access to reference books, and the IT infrastructure includes licensed software for project design, simulation, statistical analysis, and presentations. Campus security, both physical and data access, is managed through surveillance cameras and data access policies implemented using Microsoft Technology at our renowned PGDM institute in Pune.

Multimedia Library

Our library at ISBS PGDM, a renowned PGDM institute in Pune, features a dedicated multimedia digital library section, equipped with 50 in-house PCs and comprehensive audiovisual facilities. It houses an extensive collection of academic reference videos and CDs, including national and international titles, along with textbook CDs at the video resource center. The library, recognized as a leading PGDM institute in Pune, continually updates its collection with the latest videos from sources such as Video Education and Harvard Business Resources. The Video Resource Center enhances the learning experience for students at our PGDM institute. Users can surf the internet, access e-resources like AICTE-approved subscribed Pro-Quest Management ABI/Inform Global-Online databases, and browse multimedia digital library resources, including e-journals, e-books, previous question papers, syllabus booklets, and more. The digital library, designed to meet the evolving needs of modern students at our PGDM institute in Pune, also allows users to explore the library catalogue through the web Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC).

Our Staff

Dr Abhinav D Jog
HOD (Finance) & Professor

Qualification:PhD, MBA, M.Com, B.Com, CAIIB

Industrial Exp: 24 years

Academic Exp: 9.0

Research Papers: 6

Books Written:2

Dr. Mahesh Mangaonkar
HOD (Gen. Mgmt) & Professor

Qualification:Ph.D., M.Phil., MBA, PGDHRM (Gold Medalist), PGDIBO, NET, SET, B.E.

Industrial Exp: 0 years

Academic Exp: 17.9

Research Papers: 22

Books Written:0

Awards:01- Received Gold Medal from IGNOU, New Delhi for meritorious performance snd standing first in PGDHRM examination.

Prof. Mangesh Dande
HOD (Marketing - IInd shift) & Assistant Professor

Qualification:DME, MMS, DSM, DBM, SAP,NET

Industrial Exp: 25 years

Academic Exp: 11.0

Research Papers: 7

Books Written:0

Prof.Amruta Deshpande
Assistant Professor


Industrial Exp: 1 years

Academic Exp: 12.0

Research Papers: 22

Books Written:2

Prof. Neetu Randhawa
Assistant Professor

Qualification:M.B.A, BA

Industrial Exp: 0 years

Academic Exp: 11.0

Research Papers: 5

Books Written:0

Dr. Anagha Bhope
Associate Professor

Qualification:PhD, MBA, PGDCMM, PGDIEM, BA, LLB

Industrial Exp: 2 years

Academic Exp: 7.0

Research Papers: 10

Books Written:0

Dr. Rohan Das
Assistant Professor

Qualification:Ph.D, MBA, B.Sc.

Industrial Exp: 11 years

Academic Exp: 5.0

Research Papers: 6

Books Written:0

Dr. Chanakya Kumar
Associate Professor

Qualification:Ph.D, NET, MBA

Industrial Exp: 4 years

Academic Exp: 10.0

Research Papers: 6

Books Written:0

Prof. Shikha Sindhu
HOD (HR) & Assistant Professor, Head - MDP

Qualification:MPM, PGDM-HR, NET

Industrial Exp: 3 years

Academic Exp: 7.0

Research Papers: 8

Books Written:0

Awards:Best faculty in Human Resource- Education Leadersip Awards 2019

Prof. Puneet Bafna
Assistant Professor

Qualification : CA, MBA (IB), MBA (HR)

Industrial Experience : 9 Years

Academic Experience : 3 Years

Research Papers : 2

Books written : Nil

Prof. Anand Deo
Assistant Professor

Qualification:MMS , B.Com, PGDHRM, DIM, PGDIM

Industrial Exp: 27 years

Academic Exp: 4.0

Research Papers: 4

Books Written:0

Prof. Sarita Agarwal
Assistant Professor

Qualification:MBA, M.Com, B.Com, NET

Industrial Exp: 0 years

Academic Exp: 6.0

Research Papers: 5

Books Written:2

Dr. Gaganpreet Ahluwalia
Associate Professor

Qualification:PhD, MBA, MA, BBA

Industrial Exp: 0 years

Academic Exp: 16.0

Research Papers: 20

Books Written:2

Awards:01- International Excellence in Teaching Award, 2018 02- Best Senior Faculty Award, 2018

Dr. Natashaa Kaul
Associate Professor

Qualification:Ph.D. MBA, M.Sc

Industrial Exp: 0 years

Academic Exp: 8.0

Research Papers: 18

Books Written:0

Dr. Meena Goyal

Qualification:CA, Ph.D, M.Com

Industrial Exp: 10 years

Academic Exp: 10.0

Research Papers: 10

Books Written:6

Dr. Parmeshwar Yadav
Associate Professor

Qualification:Ph.D, MA

Industrial Exp: 0 years

Academic Exp: 16.0

Research Papers: 7

Books Written:0


© 2020. Indira School of Business Studies PGDM.