The objective of the MDPs is to help improve management systems and practices in India by providing relevant training to the executives of different sectors of the economy operating at different levels in the organizational hierarchy. The participants will be equipped with the latest tools, techniques and skills spanning different streams of management such as General Management, Human Resources, Soft Skills, Marketing, Finance.
The pedagogy adopted is participatory. Our approach is to bring in the rich experience of participants into the class room through discussions and blend them with inputs from faculty on the latest advancement in the respective field. The case method of study is supported by major tool. It is supplemented by group exercises, role plays, management games, lectures, and presentations by participants.
In addition to open MDPs that are attended by executives from different organizations, our institute also develops and a host of organizes customized sponsored programs based on specific requests. A host or organizations have benefited from such programs tailor made to their requirements.
Our MDP programs are attended by executives across all levels, ranging from Sales Managers to CEO's.
Customized Programs
Delivering Customer Service Excellence:
Customer Service is regarded, by many business commentators, researchers and managers, as one of the single most powerful weapon for ensuring any company’s survival in today’s highly competitive marketplace-along with new forms of information technology. It is central to an organization’s development, as it is often the only thing that distinguishes one company from another. This workshop targets at creating a “Service Culture“ amongst the people and in turn provide a “ Service Driven Organization” where the company is focused on what their customers constantly require. The workshop will impart a practical customer service training which will give all participants an understanding of its use in today’s work environment and help them in implementing the techniques in their respective work sphere.
Art of Effective Selling:
"The best salespeople sell differently". Everybody sells! In our personal or professional front we all sell either our ideas, thoughts or products & services of our company. But for every situation, knowing good sales techniques is critical. High Probability Sales Training is based upon our study of top sales performers. We will teach you the sales process that leads to sales success. Follow the steps of this proven and structured selling system, and you would be able to close the majority of your prospects.
Mastering WIN-WIN Negotiating Skills:
We All Negotiate Everyday. Everything is negotiable and we all are negotiators but the question is “How Well Do you Negotiate?” This workshop examines your negotiating styles and allows you to practice successful negotiating skills in your personal and professional life through Win-Win Outcomes. In turn you substantially not only save your time but also the company's time, money & aggravation and thereby get a positive advantage of getting the best possible deals. The ultimate result is a re-alignment of skills and a tremendous increase in sales productivity and all this through games, situational analysis and charged up role plays.
Interpersonal Communication:
“In business and in the workplace, on the domestic front and in our social lives, we all stand to benefit from more effective communication skills”. Successfully getting your message across is paramount to progressing. This ability makes an individual compete effectively in the workplace, and helps him/her steer a successful career progression. Focusing on the basics of verbal, non-verbal, written and email communication on the corporate platform, this workshop will help in developing effective interpersonal communication in both personal & professional front.
Leadership & Team Development (across all levels ):
"Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions." Successful Team Leaders anticipate change, vigorously exploit opportunities, motivate their followers to higher levels of productivity, correct poor performance and lead the Organization to its objectives thereby reaching your own potential. The quality of any organization is determined by these two elements of Leadership & Team bonding. This workshop takes an insight into self assessments, role and responsibilities, articulating vision and punching in dynamism in the participants to handle delegation, empowerment and organizational productivity .Leadership is enhanced through personal, team cohesive and organizational interdependency- bonding platforms with complete self realization of the participants.
Campus to Corporate:
“In a workplace efficiency has to be transformed to effectivity” The need for campus to corporate originates from the dynamic environment that we operate in, though our education system prepares us thoroughly & intellectually, the work challenges require various business skills that are not part of curriculum in many institutions today. A specially designed programme for management and engineering graduates, new joinees in your organization, to help them make a smooth transition from the college campus to the corporate office. The programme seeks to make the participants introspect, hone up their corporate skills, enjoy the fun-filled activities and gain knowledge & self confidence.
Conflict Management:
Conflict is present in every organization, and if people are resolving their conflicts with win-win outcomes, the result is effective teamwork. But if conflicts aren't resolved, working relationships erode and the result is a growing morale problem that needs attention. The workshop examines conflict styles and allow participants to really see their own self-destructive behavior patterns. Through behavioral style assessments, interactive discussions, role play and effective training, it will help participants to change the way they lookatand handle the daily conflict. The result is a re-alignment of attitudes and a tremendous increase in teamwork.
Train the Trainer:
The crux of long term sustenance is to recreate trainers within the company as internal resources. The Train the Trainer Workshop answers all these questions and also equips participants to have an understanding of adult learning principles, how to write effective learning objectives, how to use activities effectively, and how to handle the toughest crowds. Presentation skills training, added to it, helps the participants to improve their specific challenges as trainers and presenters.
PowerPoint Presentations, Role plays, Exercises, Video Clippings, Interactive Sessions, Assessment tests, Group Discussions, Management Games, Situational Analysis & Exercises
At ISBS PGDMwe have built a bank of high caliber Practicing Industry managers, Subject Matter Experts across key disciplines and emerging areas. Cutting across disciplines and different Industry sectors, these practicing managers, academicians and consultants together, provide with depth and breadth of expertise into our workshops.
Shree Chanakya Education Society's
Indira School of Business Studies PGDM
New Pune-Mumbai Highway,
Tathawade, Pune – 411033, Maharashtra, India.
Phone No.:
+91-20-66759500 / 415 / 404
In-Charge Contact:
Dr. Abhijit P. Bobde
Prof. Meghasham Choudhari