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Dr.Varsha Bihade

Best PGDM in Marketing Pune

Dr.Varsha Bihade

Associate Professor


Years of Experience: 18 Years

Qualification: PHD, MBA(mktg & HR), BSc(Computers)

Subject Expertise :Basics of Marketing, Services Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Retail Marketing

Dr. Varsha Manish Bihade is a distinguished academic with over 18 years of experience as a professor, researcher, and author. She completed her Ph.D. in Marketing. Her expertise lies in Consumer Behaviour, Services Marketing, and Retail Management, and She is dedicated to nurturing the comprehensive development of her students.

She has authored several books and published numerous research papers in journals, highlighting her profound knowledge and significant contributions to the field. She has presented and published more than 25 research papers in esteemed national and international journals. Actively engaged in continuous professional development, Dr. Bihade regularly participates in Faculty Development Programmes to further enhance her expertise and teaching practices.

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YWzr1g8AAAAJ&hl=en

Vidwan: 192702

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Varsha-Bihade-2

Orchid id: 0000-0002-3926-1000

Paper Publication

” Driving business growth from research to innovation in the deployment of business intelligence” published in Journal of informatics Education and Research, ABDC ‘C’ Category journal with ISSN No. 1526-4726, (2024)

” Economic Growth and changing facets of Indian Consumerism: A Perspective from Indian Cinema industry” Published in European Economic letters, ABDC ‘C’ Category Journal with ISSN No. 2323-5233, (2024)

"An Empirical Study on Digital Marketing and its Impact on Shopper Purchasing Conduct" published in UGC Care Journal The Online Journal of Distance Education and Learning with ISSN No 2147-6454. (2023)

"Customer Preference towards OTT Platform in India" published in Global Media Journal with ISSN No 1550-7521. (2023)

"A Study on Green Banking Services Amid and Post COVID-19: A Consumer Perspective" published in UGC Care Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship with ISSN No 2229-5348. (2022)

"A Study on Digital Banking Services Amid COVID-19: A Consumer Perspective" published in UGC Care Journal Sambodhi with ISSN No 2249-6661. (2021)

"Customer Preference towards OTT Platform in Pune" published in UGC Care Journal ShodhSarita with ISSN No 0975-4520. (2021)

"Women Entrepreneur’s Challenges and Opportunities with Reference to Pune District" published in UGC Care Journal ShodhSarita with ISSN No 0975-7945, (2021)

"Customer Perception towards Green Banking (GB) Services with Special Reference to SBI in Pune Region" published in IJREAM with ISSN No 2454-9150. (2020)

"Customer Behaviour towards Online Food Delivery Apps (FDA’s) in PCMC Amid COVID-19" published in IJRASET with ISSN No 2321-9653. (2020)

"Customer Satisfaction towards Green Banking Services" published in JETIR with ISSN No 2349-5162. (2020)

"Customers’ Behavior towards Online Food Delivery Apps (FDAs) in Pune" published in IJREAM with ISSN No 2454-9150. (2020)

"An Appraisal of Physical/Psychological Causes of Absenteeism with Reference to Floor Workers in Star Hotel Industry of Pune" published in UGC Care Journal Ajanta with ISSN No 2277-5730. (2019)

"Green HRM Practices at Corporate Sector for Environmental Sustainability" published in IJISRT with ISSN No 2456-2165. (2018)

"Green Marketing in Banking with Special Reference to SBI Pune" published in ICACTM-2018 IJRPET with ISBN No 978-81-921768-95 and ISSN No 2454-7875. (2017)

"Agriculture Reforms in India: Critical Evaluation and Focusing Areas" published in the International Conference Proceedings at SVIMS "India Resilient@70: A Call to Reform, Perform & Transform" with ISBN No 978-93-87665-19-4. (2017)

"How Leadership Influences Student Learning" published in Dawn by Sadhu Vashwani Institute of Management with ISSN No 2348-0092. (2017)

"The Role of Retail Marketing in MSME with Emerging Issues and Trends" published in The Journal of Business Studies and Research by DYPIMR with ISSN No 2455-233X. (2017)

"FDI in Retail: Opportunities and Challenges" published in the National Conference Proceedings at Pratibha Institute of Management with ISBN No 978-819237-68-13. (2013)

"Growing Market for Credit Cards and its Unethical Practices" published in the Conference Proceedings of the Role of Corporate Ethics for Sustainable Development at S.B. Patil Institute of Management with ISBN No 978-81-910594. (2011)

"Telecommunication: Bringing Globe Nearer" published in the National Conference Proceedings at Aditya Business School. (2011)

"A Value Chain Approach in Fruit and Vegetable Retailing" published in the INCON-National Conference Proceedings at IBMR. (2010)

"Creche and Babysitting Services: An Exploring HR Dimension" published in the Conference Proceedings of IPE: Osmania University Hyderabad. (2009)

Books & Book chapters Publication

Authored a book titled Strategic Management with ISBN No.978-93-90515-94-3 with publisher Himalay Publication in the month September, year 2021.

Authored a book titled Essentials of Psychology for Managers with ISBN No. 9789389406917 with publisher Nirali Prakashan in the month January, year 2019.

Authored a book titled Basics of Marketing with ISBN No. 978-93-90428-95-3 with publisher Techknowledge in the month August, year 2020.

Authored a book titled Services Marketing with ISBN No. 978-93-90428-19-9 with publisher Techknowledge in the month December, year 2020.


Analysis of skills, tools and decision making in practice 202121052099, 10-02-2022

Device to analyse consumer psychology during shopping 392681-001, 12-10-2023

© 2020. Indira School of Business Studies PGDM.