Quizzards of Indira!
The new batch of ISBS PGDM 2019-21 has started their journey towards new experiences and achievements while representing ISBS PGDM on various external platforms! The first feather in their cap is a win at the Quiz Competition, Brain Storming at Impulse 2019, organized by Christ College, Pune. The team comprising of Pranshu Tiwari, Palak Jain and Shaktidan Singh Chauhan won 2nd Runners Up making us proud. Congratulations and keep it up Batch of 2019-21!
ISBS PGDM team wins Second Place at Ojasya 2019, SIIB
ISBS PGDM team comprising of Charles Prem and Priyanka Sagar (PGDM 2018-20) won Second Place at Ojasya 2019 organized by Symbiosis Institute of International Business. The competition was a triathlon of events. It included Quiz, Photography and concluded with a Case Study on the Oil & Gas Sector. In the first round around 320 teams participated which was shortlisted to 9 finalists in the Case Study Round. The team proved that “There is no magic to achievement. It is really about hard work, choices, and persistence!”
Varsha Dhar of MBA 18-20 batch made ISBS PGDM proud by winning the 2nd position (individual category) in Late. Shri. Shankarrao Wakalkar debate competition organized by Indira College of Commerce and Science on March 9th, 2019.
The debate was an attempt to sensitize students to a very real situation facing our country today – A solution for the Kashmir Conflict – Peace or War.
True Champions aren’t always the ones who win, but those with most guts. And Indiraites have those guts. We are happy to inform you that Naman Chouhan and Nimish Jain from PGDM, ISBS PGDM and BBA, ICCS emerged as runner ups in two National Level Business Plan competitions held on 5th & 6th March, which were held Indira Institute of Management Pune and Symbiosis college of Arts and Commerce. There was a close competition between teams from various Institutes and excellent ideas were presented.
DHRUV 2019
“Winning means you are willing to go longer, work harder and give more than anyone else”
ISBS PGDM students proved yet again that they were willing to give more than anyone else! With meticulous planning, exemplary execution, hard work, leadership, team work and commitment the students balanced their workload with extra-curricular activities beautifully and brought home the Overall Championship Trophy for PUMBA’s inter collegiate competition “Dhruv 2019” second year in a row!!
With tough competition from colleges across Pune they emerged winners in activities across domains such as Management, Sports and Cultural Activities.
Karmanta 2019
It is said, “Who you are tomorrow….begins with who you are today” . Our students are indeed laying a strong foundation for prosperous “tomorrow” by pushing their limits “today”. ISBS PGDM students have raised the flag of Indira high by winning the Overall Championships Trophy of “Karmanta 2019” – Cultural Festival organized by Marathwada Mitramandal’s Institute of Management Education Research & Training.
The students proved that they are truly made for the management profession by showcasing multiple talents and emerging as winners in management events as well as Cultural and Sports events.
Dhruv 2018
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, Others make it happen”
The legendary Michael Jordan said this and we lived up to this…… ISBS PGDM competed against about 30 colleges n proudly lifted the Rolling Trophy of Dhruv 2018 – one of most prestigious intercollegiate event organized by PUMBA….it was all driven by students….. Let’s celebrate the spirit!!
Avishkar 2017
Competitions play a role in motivating students to perform and excel and offer a lot more reward than just the winning prize. ISBS PGDM Students Steffi Calmiano (Batch MBA 2016-18) and Gaurav Kulkarni(Batch MBA 2016-18) participating in ‘AVISHKAR 2017’ Zonal Level Research Competition which resulted with presentation of their innovative techniques and ideas. The competition was organized bySavitribai Phule, Pune University at NESS Wadia College of Commerce on 18/12/2017.
Summer Internship Project 2017 – Achievement by Mr Vaibhav Kumbhar
ISBS PGDM congratulate Mr Vaibhav Kumbhar (Batch 16-18) for his Noteworthy Achievement.
M/s Datakatalyst Solutions Pvt Ltd has appreciated Mr Vaibhav Kumbhar for his impressive and diligent performance in Summer Internship Project-2017 on “Promotion of Skill Story Market Research – Data Collection and Analysis of Blue collared Work Force”. Management of M/s Datakatalyst Solutions Pvt Ltd have assured that they will implement the suggestions given by Mr Vaibhav.
Live Assignment Activity – NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH PLAN
It all started with the idea of exposing the students to a Live Assignments wherein they would be required to apply their Marketing Domain Knowledge and enhance their skills.
Three Marketing Divisions participated in this activity.
Products given to them were
Students prepared a New Product Launch Plan by working on different areas like segmentation, targeting & positioning, marketing strategies, pricing, promotional strategies, packaging, labelling, preparation of final budget & so on.
There were three judges who judged this activity.
1. Mr. Roshan Munot – Brand partner from Circus Works
2. Mr. Abhimanyu Tadwalkar – Director, Till It Clicks Studio Pvt. Ltd.
3. Mr. Devendra Mali – Founder – Hazel Outlook.
Student representatives from each division presented the NPL plan & they showed their creativity & enthusiasm through preparing these products in actual sense & offering it to the judges.
Overall it was a very good learning experience to all the Marketing Students. For the first time such application based intelligent activity of NPL plan was executed this year.
Students participated well with full enthusiasm.
Division A stood first, Division C backed the second prize & Division E was at third position.
Maverick 2017
ISBS PGDM secured got 3rd rank in ‘Maverick 2017‘, Intercollege Treasure hunt Competition organized by VIM Pune
Institutional competitions
ISBS PGDM congratulates its students for consecutive successes in their attempt at several institutional competitions.
Award Title | Date | Conferred BY | Rank |
Presentation Compt- Zonal Level | 3rd Sept, 2016 | AIMA | Runners’ Up |
Intercollege Quiz Compt | 1st Oct, 2015 | Hiraben Nanavati Inst. of Mgt | 1st |
Intercollege Quiz Compt | 1st Oct, 2015 | Hiraben Nanavati Inst. of Mgt | 3rd |
Intercollege Case Study Compt | 15th Jan, 2016 | PUMBA | 2nd |